TV Shows Without Episodes

I have a few shows that I deleted all the episodes for and no longer have any recordings for the, but the TV shows still show up under the recordings view with “0” episodes. This happens on iOS, roku and safari, but not on chrome. Is there any way to manually remove these from the database? I tried reinstalling the apps and on safari clearing all the local databases, cookies and cache.

Anyone else having this problem?

Yes, do a search on phantom or ghost recordings

Yes, been happening for months.

@idlesysop @kbace6 Send our a team a ticket and we can take a look at your Tablo’s logs to see what we can do. Or send me a PM with your Tablo’s MAC address and we can set up a remote access session that way.

Thank you @idlesysop I started to fill out a ticket, but I am not home so I don’t have all the information needed. I’ll see if I can find the time tonight.