Tip for 'Delayed Live' Sports Viewing

Thanks to support for sure for looking into this. Also, thanks for sharing a better solution than the hacked up way I was trying to do this.

I would make the experience so much better if Tablo would just generate thumbnails as it is recording (when a tuner is available, of course).

I have had a lot of practice and have become very good at guesstimating how long to FFwd before I have skipped commercials, or how long the refs conversation about that controversial call is going to take. But I shouldn’t have to do that.


I gave up on trying to produce thumbnails in the middle of a game.

My workaround was to create a commercial skip button on my Harmony 650 remote.

Commercials seem to be very close to 2 minutes long and the Roku 3, which I use to view Tablo, advances forward 10 seconds when I hit the direction right button. So for awhile I was just hitting the direction right button 12 times and then the ok button to advance 2 minutes. I have since programmed my Harmony 650 to control the Roku and click ahead 12 times (2 minutes) and then the ok button for me, all with the click of one button on the 650.

Of course this only works if you have a remote that you can create a macro or sequence with.

Hopes this helps

I just had 2.2.12 installed, so I thought I’d try generating thumbnails in the middle of a show again.

Went to the Live TV, stopped recording a show, started recording the show again, waited 5 minutes, and Voila, I have thumbnails for the show I stopped early. Didn’t seem to work for segments of shows that were 2 or 3 minutes long though. Maybe I didn’t wait long enough while “testing.”

Glad to see it got fixed. Just in time for the Sunday game today. Thanks @TabloTV @TabloSupport !!!

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It worked fairly well with a football game.

I stopped recording the game 2 hrs into it. I started recording the game again and waited for about 10 minutes. Watched the first 2 hours with thumbnails. Yay! very, very nice!!!

Then came a little scrambling. Because I had my settings on “Extend Live Recordings”, I couldn’t stop the recording of the rest of the game. It did not show up on the Live guide as recording, because it was past the 3-1/2 scheduled hours, so I couldn’t stop it there. When I went to Recordings, it showed as “Recording Now…”, but my only options were to watch or delete recording. Those were my only options on the Roku 3 and Chrome on Windows 10.

I should have just watched the last quarter without thumbnails, but it was so sweet with them for the first 3, that I had to try.

So I went to Live Tv and started 4 recordings to tie up my tuners, which shut down the “Extended” recording of the game. Then I shut down the recordings of the 4 shows that I had just started, to free up my tuners to generate thumbnails. Did some dishes, and went back to the game after about 10 minutes, but still no thumbnails.

Said fuq it, I’ll just watch it without them, but hit the back button to start up the recording again, during every commercial break to see if they were there. I think it was after about 15 minutes or so, the thumbnails did show up! YAY!!! AGAIN!

The truly scary part was when the game went in to overtime. I had shut down the extended recording, so I was at risk of not seeing the ending. When I had started the 4 recordings to shut down the extended recording of the game, I had gone to the top of the Live TV guide and started 4 recordings there, but I should have made at least one of the recordings on the channel that the game was on, for backup.

Luckily, I did record the ending, and, and, and the fuqqin’ Lions Won!!! Yay Again!!!

Ah. Yeah, the title is only used for sorting, not for grouping of episodes. Some kind of internal ID seems to be used for that. That would be a nice change though, to have a way of grouping manual recordings.

Wow, two miracles in one day :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, and Cleveland… oh… nevermind…

Manziel FTW!