Tablo inactive since November 2015. Audio sync issues after being activated again

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to discontinue my Tablo service in November 2015. It took a little longer than expected to hook it up again, but I’m back.

I have a 2 Tuner model hooked up through my Roku. Oddly enough, the beta app is no longer on my channel list.

After hooking it up and configuring it to the new antenna set up and checking the reception, I noticed that I had recordings left over from the last time I used it. When I checked one of the recordings, I noticed some serious lag on the audio.

I have no idea what is causing this.

Any insights or ideas?

New recordings are fine right? probably a firmware update fixed a bug and the old files were originally improperly written.

I won’t actually know about new recordings until this week.

The firmware on my Tablo was last updated back in 2015. I probably missed a few updates since that time.

I’ll check out my recordings and report back in a few days.

Have you not updated to the newest firmware? V 2.2.12?

If it came out after November 2015, I have not. I moved from a place where I had a great set up to a place that already had cable set up, so I didn’t need it. I knew I would be using it again at some point, so i kept everything nicely put away. Now that it’s hooked up again, I need to reacquaint myself with how it all operates. I’ll have to see what updates I’ve missed over the last year plus. As with the new recordings, I’ll report back in a few days.

Welcome back,mate. What are you using to play your recordings? I use the Roku with Tablo 2.12 and don’t see the audio delay problems. I think the 2.12 version came out in December last year.

I would update the Tablo to the newest firmware before these new recordings.

I should be able to do that. Thanks!

Let us know if you run into any issues, or if you have any questions :slight_smile:

I updated the firmware. The live broadcast looks great! Everything is in synch.

The old recordings, however, still have an audio lag. I have some shows scheduled to record tonight. Hopefully this issue is relegated to the old shows still on the hard drive.

Will report back when in a day or so.

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It took me a bit longer to figure this out than I expected. Everything is working great! I think the issue was with the Roku 2 I was using on my wireless network. I checked things on my Roku 4 hooked up to my new HDTV and everything was perfect. It looks like the issue was with the age of the equipment.