I have a 4th generation 4-turner OTA. While watching a show, the screen will go black, and the app restarts. What is causing this and how do I fix it? I am watching on a Insigna TV that has Amazon Fire.
Hey @KCHarlan! Welcome to the community. Our Tablo Gen4 is so bad we just started watching live OTA for sports and other shows we don’t want to get chopped up by glitches and restarts. Other recorded shows we have to suffer through such things and it’s very frustrating. We watch with the latest Roku Ultra 4850X.
I’m sure someone here has a Fire TV that can point you in the right direction.
Would you consider reaching out to our technical support team: https://tablotv.com/support/#contact ? They should be able to help.
I am having a similar issue with my 4th Gen, 4 tuner on my Android TV but it only occurs occasionally and it doesnt affect my recordings at all. It seems like its only my client viewing app that glitches but the recording device itself is unaffected and records without failure. My solution seems to be just to restart the Tablo app on my TV device and it allows me continue to watch my recording and even remembers where I was in my viewing correctly.