Tablo and Friday Nights

I have had a very odd situation happen several times. We record several shows on several different channels on Friday evenings between 8pm and 11pm. Our channels are out of Charlotte, NC. We record Grimm on NBC 36, Last Man Standing on ABC 9, and Hawaii 5-0 on CBS 3.

On several occasions, including this past Friday, the shows will only record a few seconds at the beginning and then fails. Signal has not been a problem on these channels. This doesn’t happen on any other nights and we record something virtually every night.

Has anyone ever seen an issue like this or have any idea what might cause it?

Thanks much!

Open a Support Ticket. Have Tablo log into your Tablo and let them take a look at your logs. That will likely shed more information.

@charlesh That’s some oddly specific behaviour. Seconding @theuser86’s suggestion to send us a note. We’ll see what’s going on.

Any chance multiple shows are being recorded at once and he runs out of tuners to record?

Grimm and LMS are on at 8. Hawaii 5-0 is on at 9. I have a 4 tuner so tuners shouldn’t be an issue.

I will send a ticket today.