Tablo 4th Gen & Tablo Tools

There is PC/Browser access with the Tablo 4th Generation but only when using an external hard drive. You just enter the URL with your tablo ip address as follows:

in my case it is this will list the recording id’s. If click on one of them this will list directories two are /pl with playlists and /segs with the recordings .ts files. You can then download all the .ts files and then use a video editor to merge all the files together. I think the over the air recordngs have about 15 .ts files for a hour recording but the streaming channels have about a hundred .ts files you would need to download and merge. The easier method is to right click on the playlist.m3u8 and copying the link and then using ffmeg with copied link to convert to a .mp4 file. No merging required. You can also copy the link to VLC for playback or conversion under the open network stream. You can’t see the meta data that shows what the recording id is for but you can use the time and date information to narrow down to the recording you want. On the legacy tablo you could use the browser to see the meta data by entering the URL Tablo_ip_address:8885/recording/airings then with the information navigate to the actual metadata. If you try this on the tablo 4th generation it returns a unauthorized / Authentication failure