Syncing takes WAY too long

That was extremely helpful and with that information, some of us might be able to tweak our devices (not the Tablo, the tablet, PC, whatever) to make it work better with that scheme. 
Too bad the “web based app” can’t store the info outside of the browser cache. Some folks actually flush the browser cache on exit - clear history, flush or empty cache on exit is a common setting for some. Not this person, I’ve got stuff on computers since the early 1990s and I just keep moving it forward to newer computers, but I know some who set that for frequent emptying. Knowing this we can work toward making it better on our end while you folks at Tablo make it better where you can, too. This is KB substance, IMO!

@TabloSupport thanks for the explanations! … very interesting…  {and this is a perfect example of why you guys/company are awesome!}

My extraction program (which you really haven’t seen yet) uses a local cache as well…where I pull the list of rec_ids off the Tablo and do a difference, then from that I know what to delete off my cache and what to pull. 

And while Tablo may be doing something  similar, I have a feeling that images aren’t be handled well… that is, sure it’s an episode of Get Smart we didnt’ have before, but we already have the graphic posters, etc… so they shouldn’t get pulled again (I’m just guessing folks…)

Sync’ing is a bit of a disaster I’ve found.  It used to be that I had to resync every couple of days otherwise I’d lose the ability to reach my tablo while remotely. Now the remote tablo feature while using my HTC One (M7) phone has stopped working completely.  It teases me by showing the EPG but never actually connects.  When I’m on the live listing screen it just cycles indefinitely with "Connecting in 5…4…3…2…1"

I really don’t understand why there’s even a need to perform any form of sync… I’m streaming 6-8Mb/s video from the NAS through the Tablo to my Roku 3 devices, why the Tablo can’t pull images and metadata in realtime seems a bit odd.

The new Roku EPG is a big improvement given that we can now see what’s happening in the future, not just the current shows.  Disappointing though that there’s no picture-in-picture though so you can continue to watch what you’re watching while you select something else which seems to be the standard mode of operation for any other live TV set top box.

+1 for picture in the guide.

But this was never a promised feature from the beginning. For such a unique product, it works well. There is no other substitute that works as well as the Tablo.

Simple.TV has no support and lots of bugs.

Channelmaster DVR+ does not support multiple devices, it’s for one HDTV.

+2 for the picture in guide

I’d also like to the see the whole syncing thing replaced with something better.   have a look at My Media Center app from Ceton, it loads almost instantly.

I got things sort of working on my phone, it must be the app as I sure didn’t open a browser!

I went to recordings and found the list was old - it reflected things as they were yesterday and yet I had things display that I didn’t really need or care about yet - 
That’s a “me too” on sync the recordings first. 
Personally, skip the pictures on something like a phone, give me a text list I can read and touch the description. It could show Show name, channel, time and date, perhaps season and episode but I do not need a picture.
I know folks, especially gamers and young folks want the fun high-res photo of the show’s star to show up but for me skip the photos, that’s what is taking so long. Give me a text list just like if I went to a command prompt in almost any OS and showed a directory listing of files - file name, date, time, etc. Do that for shows I’ve recorded. I don’t want the picture of the show’s star, I want the name and episode info. Syncing would take way less than 1/3 the time if images were skipped and it was a text list of recordings.
I know that’s not at nice for touch devices with tiny screens so I can see why it was done that way. It’s hard to aim big fingers at a single line in a list on a screen. So perhaps have that a hidden option or CUT the resolution of the picture. 
A computer can’t do more than a certain resolution anyway so why have print quality photos show? But the resolution from 300 to 92 or whatever if it’s indeed that high, not sure what resolution images Tablo uses. 

24/7 Constantly says syncing here, but all system features work as designed. no issues, lucky i guess. Even remote connect works well

Thanks to Tim at support he remotely fixed my problem by clearing sync cache my Tablo was holding onto for some reason