Subscription-based notifications

Let people 'subscribe' to notifications from the Tablo for things such as content message like 'Recording started', 'Recorded program ready' (with specifics of course), or system messages like 'system restarted' or 'system update available'.  To keep it lightweight, it would involve the Tablo consuming an external web service which takes Tablo name, recipient e-mail (added to setup screen form), and message data as arguments.  The service would then act as an SMTP service for the message.  The messaging functionality would give another value-add feature to the Tablo.

Users could subscribe to recorded-content, system, or even now-playing (really?) messages through checkboxes or radio buttons on the setup screen.

The messages sent could have embedded links taking you directly to the recorded show or settings screen.  This part would work for the web-browser version of Tablo, but would not be too much trouble to integrate into the message.

It's one of those things to re-assure people they remembered to record something or keep their unit up to date.

Just something to think about.

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@Frank00 - Interesting… Not sure people would be up for receiving more email, but maybe we’re wrong on that one.

Let’s see if others would be game for something like this… 

I like the ability to do that, not sure I would, but I like it :wink:

API seems the correct focus here. rEST style calls and web access without a “web socket” connection would open up options like this and more.

A private key generator would provide API security. Zendesk is a good API example.

Just another thought… Low drive space might be an appreciated message to receive.

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I like suggestions, not sure I will vote for an email for every step my Tablo takes/makes, however the last one Low Disk Space notification would be good. Personally I have 2TB so if I ever saw that…but those that have say 500MG I could see that being a good notification.

A big one would be a conflict happens on series recording

@napercort Subscribing to different types of notifications would give you the choice with regard to the quantity of messages you receive.  There could be a check box for scheduling conflicts as Jestep mentioned, all recording notifications, disk drive-related messages, and Tablo system-related messages (ie ‘firmware update available’). 

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