Some Way to Know Tablo Has Stopped Working

Hi all,

Perhaps there is some way to know that your Tablo has stopped working - I stopped the light from flashing on the front and maybe that would have told me but late last night I found out the Tablo was not recording some time during the day. How would you know the Tablo had stopped working and it wasn’t just resetting the router - I tried that first. Anyway if a message could be sent to my phone or computer to alert me there is a problem that would be great or if the tablo could flash a different color or pattern to alert me - I just don’t know how dead the Tablo was except that I re-booted it to get it started again. Thanks for your help, Jan

PS What causes this and how often do I need to be checking on the Tablo? Ours is new to us (a refurbished as there was nothing else out there) - could that have something to do with it and can we replace it if this is not something that happens typically?

Hi all,

I know what I need is a list of what should have been recorded and if it recorded and length of recording for a given day. Let’s me see if I can reschedule a movie if it didn’t record, etc. Very similar to what I said on the Recordings episode page but this could be a separate page of all recordings with title (possible link to item so as to reschedule if need be), date, time, channel number length of recording and did it record. This would be very helpful to keep up with recording. Thanks, Jan