Seeing multiple channels when selecting episode programming

I kind of felt the same way. Did they really try to fix my problem, or did they try to offload it by having me do a factory reset. Several people in the forum had problems very similar to mine with Chrome, and Tablo Support was able to fix them.

Hi all,

Figured I’d chime in here. A few things to note:

In some cases, database corruption is fixable. If it’s caught early enough, our team is able to remote into the Tablo and make a few changes to solve it internally. In fact, this process is now automated in 2.2.12, and will run nightly to make sure this is addressed immediately, so that you don’t have to contact support for a fix.

In other cases, if the corruption has been around too long, and the Tablo’s firmware has been upgraded while its database was corrupt, we won’t be able to fix it manually, and the only fix will be to factory reset the unit.

Database corruption of this type is in fact rare. While a few of you have received similar notes notes on this in the past, the vast majority of our user base have never encountered this issue. We are constantly working to address issues of this nature and we believe the 2.2.12 firmware should prevent databases from becoming fatally corrupt in the future.


OK, I bit the bullet and went for a full TABLO factory reset and reformat of the USB hard drive.

And now “To Infinity, and Beyond!”.

How long did it take for the Tablo to reclaim all the hard drive space on your HDD?

I have to wait until I copy the world series. And the parade is tomorrow. I have to wait until Saturday.

Just a few minutes. Actually I connected the USB hard drive to my PC and used Windows Disk Management to delete the partition on the disk ( I did not afterwards create a replacement partition in Windows; the TABLO took care of that). That procedure restored the hard drive to full capacity.

Thus far normalcy has been restored to my system and I am already recording movies for later viewing.

Ah deleting the partition in Disk Management is the “old” way to factory reset as some users do not know how to do this. This basically gives the Tablo as brand new out of box HDD to initialize. Supposedly the new factory reset process on the Tablo is supposed to clear the database and then clean up old orphaned recordings. I was curious.

I was able to do a full reset on my tablo and now I seem to be in business.


I currently get 2 station 17s when I scan. They do indeed have 2 towers located 47 degrees apart from my location. Because of the towers’ distances from me, one comes in with 5 dots and the other anywhere from none to 5 dots, when I rescan using Tablo. (When I scan with a TV I get 2 station 17s as well.)

How do I know which one is which? Should I add that channel when only one 17 shows up in the scan? Or should I add the channel when both show up, one with 1 or 3 dots, and the other with 5 dots? Or should I add one of them when both show 5 dots?

The stronger of the 2 usually shows up as the second one listed. (17-1 with one dot is above the 17-1 with 5 dots, for example. 17-2 with one dot is above 17-2 with 5 dots, etc.) Watching it populate the channel listings as it rescans, it does seem to add the weaker one first.

When I view or record one of the channel 17s it is hit or miss. Sometimes it comes in perfect, other times I get the weak signal error. Does the Tablo try to lock on to the stronger signal, or does it try to lock on to the weaker one and give up after a bit? Because it adds the weaker one first when I do a rescan, I suspect it trys to tune in the weaker signal first.

Should I add both? I should note that I mainly watch recordings from this station, so I am more concerned for when I record, as opposed to watching Live.