Scheduling TV show recordings

So I’ve only been using my 4 channel Tablo for about a week now, and there are things that I don’t like, but that might only be because I’ve been used to scheduling my TV shows from different cable providers on their DVR’s for years now.

How I would typically schedule my TV shows would be to go to the guide, and look at each day of the week, during prime time, and see if there are any TV shows that I would like to record, and then from that guide, I would select a TV show and record all new episodes.

I only watch the four main network broadcast stations, NBC, ABC, CBS & FOX, which is the main reason I just cut the cable and bought the Tablo.

What I have noticed on the Tablo that I do not like, is that the guide only goes out 24 hours, and if I want to go past that, I have to go to the TV Shows tab, and look at these giant tiles of all the TV shows that are out there.

I find that completely obnoxious that I have to do that. I only want to look at TV shows on NBC, ABC, CBS & FOX from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM, and having to scroll through all these tiles is not fun.

So as my first question, is there anyway to get the guide past 24 hours, so that I can easily view just NBC, ABC, CBS & FOX from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM?

It takes a little getting used to, but actually has some advantages.

After you’ve done your channel scan, you can select only those channels that you want, which will cut down on the amount of information you have to navigate through. You can access this through Settings and the Channel Lineup.

Now, if you look at Prime Time, you can select “All”, or go Channel by Channel and select your shows.

There are 2 weeks worth of guide data in the system, tho the live TV grid only goes out 24 hours. One of the advantages I’ve found in this method is that if a TV show moves to a different network, as Supergirl recently did, Tablo will still find and schedule it for you, automatically.

Or you can use on your computer to have a 2 wk guide.