We have the Tablo hooked up to WiFi. I wanted to hook it up via ethernet cable but the antenna location is completely wrong where the main router sits. The current location of the tablo box is within 5 feet of our TV in the family room. There are no issues watching Tablo content on that tv. However, in the bedroom, which is about 20 feet away, it’s unwatchable. I’ve tried to get help on this and no one is responding.
Sounds like you either do not have good wireless signal in the other room. OR your wireless router cant handle 2 (Client to Client transfers) at one time. Older Cheaper wireless routers do not perform very well.
It would allow folks to help you if you provided a bit more information. ‘Unwatchable’ can mean a lot of things. Does the content come through at all? Is it slow or does it have pauses?
You give the distance between the two TV sets but don’t give the distance between the Wi-Fi router and the faulty TV. KimchiGUN offers a likely fault and that is poor Wi-Fi signal. Some routers support both 5 g and 2.4 g networks. It could be that the offending set is on a different network.
You don’t indicate what client is used at the TV sets to access the Tablo. That can have provide some clues. Does the set that is unwatchable have other applications that access streaming via Wi-Fi?
Yes, please give more detail. Are you just getting the spinning circle? Are you getting pixelation?
Watching on Roku, Fire, Apple… some smart TV?
This is a very helpful group, but specifics help.
The distance between your Tablo box and any one of your TVs/streaming devices is mostly irrelevant. The Tablo communicates with the router (through WiFi or Ethernet), and then your router communicates with your TVs/streaming devices (again through WiFi or Ethernet). So if you’re using WiFi for all your “connections”, the distance of said devices to the router is what’s important. Just an F.Y.I.
That’s excactly what I thought. Since the Tablo is ON the network it didnt’ make sense. The only thing I can think of is to not watch it back in the back. But that’s a bandaid that doesn’t do much at all…
Do you have a multi story residence? My router’s instructions (and it may be for all WiFi routers) said to place it higher than any WiFi device you want to connect to it. My router (a Netgear R6400, over 8 years old) is on top of a hutch in our living room at the east end of our ranch home. All devices are lower and to the west including several in the basement. We have no issues with all WiFi devices everywhere in the house. Both of my Tablos are wired to the router with Ethernet. One next to the router on the same hutch and one quite a distance away in the basement.