NEW - Tablo Firmware Release 2.2.42

Took about 4-5 reboots for my original tablo to reboot. Might be time to look into something that can rip the shows from hd and load them onto my plex server.

I’ve used Tablo Ripper for seven years now and I can highly recommend it.

There are several other apps available for ripping files and I’m sure they are also very useful, I just haven’t tried anything but Tablo Ripper.

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Since upgrading to this release I’ve had issues with it not starting a stream to a Roku TV, or stopping in the middle of playback and failing with an error.

I know one of the resolutions is to change the recording bit rate however, I never had issues with it until this update.

I’m wondering if the output bit rate has changed? Because the video quality actually looks a little bit better.

Firmware version 2.2.42, just got it the other day. Nothing but problems with it. Keeps disconnecting, and goes non-responsive continually.

Is this just me, or is anyone else having problems with this new firmware release? I’ve rebooted everything numerous times, and it’s just an unusable mess.

About ready to toss this thing.

What device(s) do you use (i.e. Roku, Apple TV, etc.). I’ve been running 2.2.42 for several weeks with no real issues on multiple Chromecast with Google TV devices.

The latest Apple TV…I’ve rebooted that a couple of times as well.

I think i’ve figured things out. Got the Roku out, and it couldn’t play tonight’s news recording at all. However, both the Apple and the Roku could play last night’s. So now I’m thinking bad DVR recording, which never happens.

Hope that tomorrow night’s recording works…or maybe I’ll take some time tomorrow and make sure things are okay.

Blew off tonight, wasted the whole evening on this…I was having other disconnect problems recently, so I thought this was part of those problems.

Hopefully the DVR end of things will work better tomorrow.

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We haven’t received any other similar reports from 2.2.42 - it’s possible that it could be unrelated. However, to confirm what’s going on, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team, we’d be happy to take a closer look.

Twice this happened this week - I was viewing a recording (I record 2 minutes early, and 5 minutes late), and when I was at the end of the show (approximately 5-7 minutes before the end of the recording, I hit the back button on the Roku remote, and the screen appeared to be locked (it could have been busy - but no spinning circle), so I hate the home button, and it went to the main Roku screen.

I was able to go back in, and I could resume the recording or delete the recording. Not a major issue for me.

This was on a Roku Ultra, connected via ethernet (Tablo also ethernet). It happened on Monday’s NCIS and NCIS Hawaii.

Were you lucky enough to have roku os 11.5 dropped onto your device.

I do have 11.5.0 - build 4206-46 on it - I don’t remember it updating…That could be the problem.

This is a very common problem when your Tablo achieves sentience and develops show preferences. /teasing

I had one strange experience since the update where my Tablo became unresponsive until I rebooted it. There haven’t been any issues since. I added a service to my network to monitor the Tablo availability and notify me if it happens again.

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No issues with 2.42.2 here from what I can see. We use Roku Ultra’s and occasionally the iPhone and iPad apps.

Hi all… new to the group and just recieved my new Tablo an hour ago.

I have a question though… should I do the update first and then format my HD or does it matter?

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That probably doesn’t matter but I would do the firmware first personally. Just in case there are any database updates. It would probably save you less time then it took to post the question though so feel free to flip a coin.

Welcome to the club!

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Thanks, as soon as I hooked it up to my router it updated itself. Didn’t even have a choice.

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Tablo will not warranty their device. Stay far away! They dragged me on for months with a defective machine and then told me it was out of warranty!!!
One year ago I was elated and told everyone I knew about this amazing recording device I had just purchased!Today I have had a completely different experience!This
is extremely unfair and very upsetting to me. It is hard to believe
that Tablo will not honor a defective product that began failing well
within a year of the purchase date.It started
crashing in August. (see email below from Tablo dated September 2,
2022)I sent called right away and your support staff put me through the
ridiculous charade of going through the same reboot processes over and
over and every time the Tablo crashed and shut down they told me it was
working fine because we restarted it again. Every time I called, (please
look at your call logs) I had to leave work early to get home in time
to make a call to Tablo support. Every time I repeated the steps and
everything that was requested from changing cables and outlets to
resetting DCHP time, deleting and re-installing Roku and Tablo,
recording and sending multiple videos and doing all Tablo updates. Every
time the machine would start up and run for a very short time and then
crash again. Every time it took days to get an email response from your
support team and every time I called I had to go through the same
processes again. At no time was I able to speak with a qualified
representative to fully examine the issue with my machine crashing and
shutting off. It is clear to me that the power supply in the machine was
failing and this constant failure was becoming more and more frequent
daily. Now the machine is completely dead and will not power on at all.Now
you are telling my that my Tablo is out of warranty even though your
support team dragged me through months of their inability to address a
failing machine. I am requesting
that you please honor the one year warranty on my Tablo machine that
started failing after nine months of flawless operation. Please have
someone call me at 978-815-4163Thank you,Joe GaspariYour request (115080) has been solved. To reopen this request, reply to this email.Tablo Support - Derek (Tablo) Sep 2, 2022, 4:17 PM EDT Hi there,Thanks
for the phone call. Please ignore the email that says “Your case has
been solved”, that is just a wrinkle in our email system at the moment.If
possible, can you please try a different ethernet cable and port on the
router with the Tablo? Do the LEDs still not light up when it is
connected?Can you please send us a picture of the ethernet port on the back of the Tablo with the cable plugged in?Thanks,Derek
Tablo Support
On Thursday, November 10, 2022, 02:55:35 PM EST, Tablo wrote:
Tablo Support - Kyle (Tablo) Nov 10, 2022, 2:55 PM EST Hi there, Thank
you for your patience! Unfortunately we will not be able to replace
your Tablo under warranty as it is more than 1 year old. We do apologize
about the inconvenience. Here are a few things of note: Your active subscription can be transferred to a new Tablo by logging into your account at account.tablotv.comIf you wish to transfer your recordings to a new Tablo, you may find the procedure to do so here.If you decide to replace your Tablo - we have lots of great sales on at our webstore here. We apologize about the inconvenience - please let me know if you have any additional questions.Thanks,Kyle
Tablo Support

My following intent is not to add to your frustration, nor change your mind about how you feel about the company.
If you feel you’ll get triggered by dealing with anything more about this issue, I understand, and then please don’t read the following…

If your diagnosis is correct, a replacement power adapter costs around $12:

Good morning:
We already replaced that and the Tablo will still not power on.