Alexa roll a 12-sided die - “7”
…but try to get her to play specific music on the “everywhere group” and I’d throw a 12-sided die at it.
@discobot fortune
for 3rdRockOKC
Alexa roll a 12-sided die - “7”
…but try to get her to play specific music on the “everywhere group” and I’d throw a 12-sided die at it.
@discobot fortune
for 3rdRockOKC
Laden with…
and I thought you cared about birds FYI:
but if birds mattered, you probably already knew about it.
Trying to earn my Spam badge:
0 voters
Seems DiscoBot stopped with it’s fortune telling
@discobot quote
@discobot fortune
this topic may seen need renamed “if you’re really bored… whatever” or Fun time with discobot
@discobot roll 5d6 Yahtzz
@discobot roll 1d12 DnD Nerd
3, 6, 6, 5, 6
@discobot quote
You cannot step twice into the same river, for other waters are continually flowing in. — Heraclitus
@discobot fortune
I flagged for moderation his post
discobot wouldn’t give a fortune or a quote… and didn’t roll a 12 sided die
But this is somewhat a non-sense topic, so this is low priority
…what’s wrong with this guy - right?
Shouldn’t someone flag this for spam? There are plenty of certified and licensed user around
Really I see you are 1 of 7 with a Regular Badge - the only trust level badge available!
This badge is granted when you reach trust level 3. Thanks for being a regular part of our community over a period of months. You’re now one of the most active readers, and a reliable contributor that makes our community great. You can now recategorize and rename topics, take advantage of more powerful spam flags, access a private lounge area, and you’ll also get lots more likes per day.
Understanding Discourse Trust Levels
and you’re just now certified and licensed? that seems messed up. Still, congratulations
for snowcat
@discobot fortune
Outlook not so good
ok, it is getting late for me (I’m up by 4:30am) …but, I get got a liked by discobot
but I’m just so unbelievably excited… first and only!
as futile and pointless as this may seem… suddenly I feel I’ve accomplished robot nonsense! But suddenly, I have a grave concern about the inevitable Robot Uprising. How can I be so excited, yet so afraid. I guess I’ll just roll the die and take my chances
@discobot roll 2d12
10, 8
Holy hearts Batman - it is the only heart he has given… EVER