Interactive new user tutorial - Posts about nothing :) now with polls

Thanks for the clarification :heavy_heart_exclamation:

It would be sweet if the next badge I got was awarded… just because of who I am :neutral_face: but if I earn another one - :cool: just the same.

What percentage of your Tablo viewing is recorded vs. live (OK - slightly delayed by trans-coding)

  • 0% Recorded - 100% Live
  • 10% Recorded - 90% Live
  • 20% Recorded - 80% Live
  • 30% Recorded - 70% Live
  • 40% Recorded - 60% Live
  • 50% Recorded - 50% Live
  • 60% Recorded - 40% Live
  • 70% Recorded - 30% Live
  • 80% Recorded - 20% Live
  • 90% Recorded - 10% Live
  • 100% Recorded - 0% Live

0 voters

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@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. — Charles Swindoll



ok, try a OneBox with this…

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

LOL - It appears that @discobot (or Charles Swindoll) would vote 90% Recorded - 10% Live :rofl:


YES! I :eyes: the parallels with the %s. He must have used some robotic calculations to come up with an appropriate quote.

I usually want to know who the quote it from, why I ought to be concerned about what they have to say. Felt it was insightful enough didn’t even see what he was doing - you go Dbot!!!

. . . . . . . . :robot: image :robot: . . . . . . . . . .

@EveryOne, @AnyOne, @WhoCares

This NON-awarded Great Top Badge with 492 pointless likes… still ranks
Number 1 for the Quater


Number 4 for the year yet!! and it wasn’t even there for the first quarter!!

I received my anniversary badge for a 5th time earlier today. Wow…time flies when you are having fun . :grinning:


Woohoo, got my 4th. :slight_smile:


This is indeed a stupendous occasion!

Though it’s misleading. Anniversary Badge

This badge is granted

Carries the implications of an award! Congratulations! Being recognized for being you.
Then informs you…

You can earn this multiple times

So you have to actually earn this? Oh yea, pointless badges aren’t for showing off outside of this topic :laughing:

So I’ll also comment @snowcat for acquiring 16 badges :heavy_heart_exclamation: One of the 23 times :heavy_heart_exclamation: Can’t deny he’s helped users, with his trouble shooting tactic skills.

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Not too proud to admit, I earn them by existing.


Thanks, @djk44883. :slight_smile: It’s been a lot of fun helping out here, and so many of you do a terrific job helping out as well. I wouldn’t be on this forum for five years if I didn’t enjoy the company. :wink:


…and it should be mentioned - You are the best You there is! You are amazingly awesome as well as awesomely amazing at being You!


I have nothing to substantiate my statement. At this point, I have no reason to question it’s validity and deny intentionally misleading anyone. Again, Radojevic is the best at being themselves there is!

Sure, community. It’s a bit of knowledge vs wisdom perhaps. Sometime you almost need some tactical skill while trouble shooting with some users.

I struggle helping someone with “a computer issue” something is fundamental to me and advanced to others. (or so foreign to how someone showed them how to wrongly do something) Sometimes they just want it to work, others want to know what to do… without using the wrong names even it that what they want to call it.

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Reboots, power cycles, restarts.

I read another post where someone mentioned their equipment would have a nightly power cycle :gasp:. Most often I come across people referring to weekly reboots of all their electronics, from PCs, tablo, router and everything in between. What foundation is three for this? Someone did say they discovered a server bug and this gave them some control when their system was down.

Now, I don’t disclaim occasional reboot/restarts or even shutdown occasionally. But weekly or less – is this you? Comments are welcome

  • My system isn’t stable/reliable enough to run longer :grimacing:
  • It’s what I’ve learned from my experience as a Windows user - restart your computer, problem goes away for a while :nerd_face:
  • If I don’t restart my equipment often the universe will implode on me! :scream:
  • Restarting equipment… restarts me, it’s my happy place :slight_smile:
  • I don’t want to find out what will happen if I don’t! :skull_and_crossbones:
  • If I have to explain… you wouldn’t understand :skull:
  • Unless an update says I need to, I’ll wait until I get around to it… few weeks to a month. :checkered_flag:

0 voters

2,804 views (and counting)… that’s silly

Not All Humans

I’m sure there’s a number of them are various bots != Discobot

@discobot roll 5d6 yahtzee

:game_die: 5, 6, 4, 2, 4

Just earned my Aficionado badge :sunglasses:

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