OK - I notice odd things. Case in point:
I know, right. What’s up with all that? Like what was suppose to happen?
They’ve mentioned they have technical background, and have called out “Why the drama?” before.
Now they’re worried their device may have Canadian English? Really? Like you couldn’t find model numbers as quickly and easily as someone else? Or know there’s a return policy if would be a real issue?
What catastrophic issue could result from connecting an alleged Canadian tablo to a US household?
You know what… They don’t even had a Certified Badge
LOL - I actually just noticed that the first letters of their names were ARTZ
yea, that’s what I thought - it was ARTZful
So I guess I kinda went off in the wrong direction… but still
@bbaorbb I was checking the status of my Badges - no, of course I never got the elusive Great Topic. Seems I’m stuck at 11, then started randomly looking to see… you’ve got 10. Dude - I think you’ve missed the window for New User of the Month I thought it was more pointless, but only 31 users other than you have been awarded this badge.
User Of Past Month
I know - The NUotM shipped has sailed
The phrase feature parity come up from time to time - Search results for ‘feature parity’ - TabloTV Community. Do you ever have any concern with parity in other areas, if even feature parity
0 voters
Do you setup and/or support Tablo installations? (check all that apply)
0 voters
cabling? network cabling or antenna cabling? If I helped someone with their network and wire it up… with network cable and someone else helped them with their antenna and ran coax cable where necessary. Who checks the box for helping with cabling?
If another supposedly “helped” with family/friends antenna and messed it up… and I helped with tablo, but since antenna was screwed up, and tablo wasn’t working as a result - did I actually setup or support their tablo?
If the help I need most likely comes from a team of experts would I the 4 Somebody options to form a team?
There were too many “permutations” to get overly specific.
…but seriously haven’t we all gotten help from Somebody picking up a tip from users/members of Tablo Community Forum.
I’ve gain insight/support to tablo’s function and operation for Somebody here.
Picked up a networking tip or lesson along the way… from Somebody.
Reading about other’s, aka Somebody’s, antenna experience inspired me to update and reroute my cabling. But overall it’s basically the same fundamentals.
If you participate, actively yet, in Tablo Community Forum you don’t stand alone, Somebody helps… only the cheese stands alone
Hi-ho, the derry-o…
The cheese stands alone
Still assembling the team of experts
been a while…
@discobot quote
who you got today?
Don’t smother each other. No one can grow in the shade. — Leo F. Buscaglia
I think you picked a winner Dbot! This fellow sounds like he loved the world and the people in it. Summing up this quote from his bio page
“What are we doing stuffing facts into people and forgetting that they are human beings?” — Leo F. Buscaglia
sorry, no onebox :shrug:
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
So even if we quote your post with out @
before you name… you still respond? asking to be called out specifically? What’s up with that?
now this should get your attention…
@discobot roll 5d6 Yahtzee!
6, 6, 6, 1, 1
5 more certified badges in the last 2 weeks!
How important is earning totally useless badges to you?
0 voters
useless!? I’ve often refereed to them as pointless…
But just because not everyone has been awarded New User of the Month doesn’t make all of them useless.