Incorrect item in Channel guide

This is a screenshot for CBS Channel 11 in the DFW area.

The highlighted item should be “Criminal Minds” since it’s the English-language version of the program.


Edit, if I click on it, I get the correct program information in English, it seems to be only the icon that is incorrect (if “icon” is the correct descriptive term for that object - could also be “thumbnail”?)

It has the correct thumbnail for me in DFW.

In DFW (75033), mine shows correctly as well.

So if it’s right for some of us and wrong for me, what conclusion can I draw or what steps can I take to fix it? Can I provide additional doco that may help in resolving this?

Did y’all ever have the program in Spanish by including Spanish-language channel in your lineup?

I’ve had many of the DFW spanish channels in the past in my guide (for testing purposes), but I got rid of them several days ago. Wouldn’t think it would be related. What’s your zip? My guess is that the error is there.

Ah right, the zip code. 75028. Didn’t think that would matter for common channels, but I think you’re on to something.