Provide a better viewing experience in case of brief signal interruptions. I see intermittent signal interruptions occur during windy days. Current Tablo 4th Gen playback experience is disruptive and super annoying in this situation. If Tablo sees any blip in the recording, it shows an error disrupting the playback and loses the progress. The user has to try to fiddle with the fast forward controls to attempt to skip over the bad spot to see if it can resume playing again. Instead of this poor experience, Tablo should automatically skip the bad sections and seamlessly continue the playback.
That would be an interesting feature. However, other devices that I have used totally stop recording altogether when the signal is lost.
Good luck. Their programmer is already overworked. They should just open source the software and make their money on hardware.
I’ve had a legacy Tablo for quite a while, and recently purchased a Gen 4.
I’ve been complaining about this for YEARS !!!
It’s beyond my comprehension why the programmers at Tablo concern themselves with signal quality during a recording. Do they feel that I won’t be able to figure out that the signal is weak if I watch a program that cuts in and out ?
On several occasions I have lost a recording that I really wanted to see (NFL football game) just because of one momentary blip in signal quality at some point in the game.
For crying out loud guys, you have a start time and an end time, record whatever the heck is available during that time period.
I will make the decision as to whether or not it’s worth trying to watch, you don’t need to make that decision for me.
For all the software errors that exist in the Tablo world, why don’t you make it easy on yourselves and just not worry about signal quality ??
Were you hoping the Gen 4 addressed the issue you have been complaining about?
Since tablo typically uses the default video player that exists on STB’s, phones, and tablets there seems to be some assumptions that any old garbage recorded within a industry standard file such as H.262 and H.264 will be playable.
hhh[quote=“Nilex, post:5, topic:39205, full:true”]
Were you hoping the Gen 4 addressed the issue you have been complaining about?
I certainly gave up hope on the legacy versions, but I had a small glimmer of hope that if they created an entirely new model they just might fix some long standing problems.
Obviously I was wrong.