How to watch Tablo on PS4


There are several discussion on this topic that are couple of years old. The solutions are not clean.
Since I bought a new Tablo and wanted to watch it using PS4 for the projector system I have, just wanted to know whether anyone has found a better way.

Tablo support team, Is there any plans to support PS4? If not, why are you guys not working on it?
Any particular reason?


Could it be that there are only around 53 “apps” in the official PS4 PlayStation Store. And half of them are games.

If so that doesn’t scream out that tons of developers want to incur the cost of development for the platform.

The thing that gets me is the PS4 has sold twice the number of Xbox Ones and Xbox has an app. Plex has an app for the Playstation store Tablo should be able to handle it.

Maybe you can convince Plex on an M&A of Nuvyyo. Then everyone’s dreams will come true.

Or the result will be that current customers want all future products to look and act like Tivo.

It would be nice to have a PS3 PS4 app.