How does Tablo hardware link to my account?

Maybe this is a really elementary question, but it popped in my head nonetheless. Just set up my Tablo today and am loving it so far. I’m still using the 30 day trial subscription for the guide service, so haven’t subscribed to anything yet. On that note, when setting up my Tablo I don’t enter any personal information. Not even so much as my name unless I want to change the thing’s name to include mine. Of course registering for an account at I enter all my info, but I don’t enter any info about my Tablo. So how does my subscription actually connect to my Tablo so it knows my Tablo box is associated with my account? Did it associate with my account in the background when I created it because I’m on my home network? And if so, what other info could it possibly be passing along without my knowledge or permission?

I think it might be association by NIC MAC addr.

You add the Tablo using its serial number.

See link below to link the Tablo to your subscription.

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Another useful link

Ahh, so since I’m only making use of the trial, I haven’t associated my Tablo with my actual account yet. Makes sense now.