How does work?

I’m intrigued by the facility by which my browser can find my Tablo from the URL.
Since an nslookup of reports an Internet address of, my guess is that the my Tablo has reported its internal network address ( to that host, and when my browser requests that Internet address the response somehow redirects the browser to the internal address. Is that right? Or is another process at work?
However it’s done, it seems an elegant facility. Nice work.

I’ll let @matb33 handle this one since the web app is his baby.

@jmichell Sorry I didn’t reply any sooner, I’m still getting used to this forum software and was just browsing my notifications and came across this thread.

Since you wrote this, we’ve migrated from an EC2 instance to S3 with CloudFront doing CDN. The entire web app is client-side (minus the Tablo of course) so we take advantage of the unlimited scaling of static site hosting offered by S3 and global distribution with CloudFront. Perhaps this set-up will change, but for now it’s cost-effective and crazy fast. So all that to say that the IP you have there belongs to the deprecated EC2 instance. will now resolve to a CloudFront hostname.

The Tablo actually sends its external and internal IP addresses to an external server, which we call the Association Server. All of our apps leverage it for authentication purposes. We go as far as doing a challenge process to ensure the client is truly local, where the Tablo and the client meet in the middle (the AS) where a signed token needs to match.

Interesting technology, @matb33, thank you.

Does the app use dynamic ports to get through the firewalls? I assume so.