Google WiFi Remote Broadcast Setup

I have a very specific set of circumstances I want to record just in case anyone else ever runs into this.

Today I swapped out my old Router for 3 Google Onhubs. I used the same SSID as my old 2.4ghz channel so I wouldn’t have to reprogram everything. Tablo reconnected fine, but the google app doesn’t show device connections by IP, only MAC address. If you’re like me and you have 20+ devices connected you’ll have a handful of unknown devices. So I went to and looked at the MAC address for my device. That MAC was nowhere to be found in my google wifi app (Assuming the tablo settings page only shows ethernet MAC for some reason). So in the google wifi app, you can’t set a port forward without reserving an IP, and you can’t do either of those things without knowing what the heck your device is. You might think you can just turn your Tablo on and start streaming and Google Wifi will show an unknown device with internet activity, but you’d be wrong. It’s LAN activity only, so the unknown device will remain idle. How I finally solved this is that I realized if I requested a schedule update in the tablo app the Tablo would have to communicate on the WAN. So after making that request, I flipped back to my netowork monitoring portion of google wifi, and was able to identify the device that was unknown that just started pulling data from the web. Once I clicked on it to reserve the IP, I could see the current IP matched with the current Tablo IP on the web page (Again MAC address was not the same). After renaming Unknown to Tablo, I set the port forward and I was all good. Hopefully this helps someone. There is a lot of crap conspiring against you in this particular use case, but it can be overcome.

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You are correct that the MAC address on the box and on your account is the ethernet MAC and not the wireless MAC.