Fill in the blanks

When I do a channel scan add the side channels along with the main ones, there are far more side channels, and it becomes a pain to select all of them. Or, make it a selectable option when scanning:

  • Add sub-channels
  • Do no add sub-channels

I believe it has less to do with primary vs. sub and more to do with HD (1080i or 720p) vs SD (480i). HD sub channels (there are a few in my area) will also be pre-selected if the signal is strong enough.

As noted, there’s information that tablo defaults to selecting HD channels only.

Whether this is a practical life application or not, it makes sense to developers… or the accumulated data collection.

Apparently the tablo device can’t/won’t track past choices, certain app/devices recall previous selections. So it’s not the same for everyone.

Well, that doesn’t show in my example. WTAE is selected, thought not indicated as HD, whilst WQED-HD is not selected (granted 3-circles). All I’m asking for is to make it a user-controlled option. If the main channel (ex: KDKA) is selected then also select its sub-channels. Shouldn’t be all that difficult for the programming staff.

WTAE is certainly indicated as HD, as it shows 1080i. The call sign on the left is whatever the guide data provider has published, it’s not a technical indication of HD or not.


This was my suggestion in the customer survey…
Channel Scanning options:
→ “New Scan” - Removes all currently selected channels and does a “new” channel scan.
→ “Update Scan” - Keeps all currently selected channels and scan for new/updated channels.

I do realize that the “Update Scan” option has its own challenges as the sub-channel come and go.
I now keep a separate list of my preferred channels so that I can quickly update the channel list after I do a channel re-scan.

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