I actually own 3 2-tuners on purpose. It’s pretty easy to have units split based on such groupings as his/her/kids or sports/primetime. Plus it introduces rerdundancy for when the disk fails or power supply dies.
And my example was only one bug and was picked based on possible flaws in conflict selection logic whether you has a 2/4/6 tuner.
Cover art is a nuisance bug. I’ve never had it stopped me from knowing what show it was for. There are other bugs that affect how recordings and playback work.
But if the source base is so portable between platforms and your preferred platform is Roku freshen up on your brightscript skills and provide some programing solutions.
For those of us “grandfathered in” to Tablo’s original “promise”, having the extra Tablo (network ones) is awesome. But now? Very expensive to justify.
If money isn’t the driving force? A lifetime subscription fee can be offset by 2-tuner on sale. Two or three weeks ago amazon seemed to have a flash sale on 2-tuner for $90. It’s now $105.
Depending on which 4-tuner model you own. If you own a 4-tuner and record at the highest quality how many tuners can you use. If you have 2 2-tuners at highest quality how many tuner can you use?
Cover art may be considered a “nuisance” (at least by some)…but the even bigger nuisance is when promises are consistently made to resolve certain problems (such as the cover art issue, etc.) and then consistently broken and/or when mysterious “updates” introduce brand new problems.
The original problem still exists…and new problems develop as a result of what was intended to fix the original problem(s)!
That’s real progress, isn’t it?
No “drama”, no “manipulation”.
…and who am I “recruiting” exactly?
Just the facts…but you may choose to divert attention away from them with your own manipulation.
When did I use the term “I promise”?
I specified “they promise”, not “I promise”.
…and just because a product was discontinued, doesn’t mean it wasn’t a good product.
There’s a long list of better than average products that were eventually discontinued over time. There’s also the fact that, sometimes, trying to “reinvent the wheel” (vs. considering incorporating certain tried and true previous designs) doesn’t always work out.
Some previous products did actually set industry standards.
No “comedy bit”.
Just more distractions on your part.
Makes me wonder what your role here actually is?
I have a Dual Lite with 2.2.38, in the Prime Time tab, there’s only one blue tile! I have a Quad with 2.2.36, it still has several (but it has a few more channels, so it’s not a true 1:1 comparison).
I haven’t encountered any broken promises or mysterious updates - or any other failures some users encounter.
Thing is users encounter issues everyday, some happen when there’s an upgrade and they just know there’s a bug in the firmware! Yet issues happen before and after the upgrade with no correlation other than timing to “prove” it. All why claiming to understand how easy programing and development is.
Sure, but it becomes outdated or obsolete. To say, well that old thing used to do it… so new modern things should do it as well – I have spoken! Then denying a comedy show LOL.
Like the squeaky wheel analogy. Waiting until something is broken, making a bunch of noise and fixing it didn’t work out for much of today’s industry. Autonomous Maintenance and Continuous Improvement have replaced the “wait till it breaks and fix it”. The “squeaky wheel” thing may not be the answer. Look to Sears, cable or the news print how unwavering tried and true works.
So if it’s making a noise and you have to keep fixing it… get rid of it and replace it with something requiring less maintenance. Dinosaurs methodology aka “Ok, Boomer” is static and lacks innovation.
Hey, that’s not how it use to work – I don’t want new things!
The sometimes bored guy, finding easy entertainment.