(COMPLETED) Adjust the start/stop times to Guide Scheduled recordings

I remember back when I had cable a network was always starting at 5 minutes after.

@TabloTV Sounds like it needs to be a per channel option

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I have been told this as well, but it is not true for me. The programs usually extend recording time 5 minutes (end time) but the start time is not adjusted even if one of both tuners are free before a recording.

I asked about this on an open ticket, but have not been able to express myself adequately I suppose. Does this make sense? Is there a setting I am missing?

That’s weird, I’ve only been using my Tablo for a couple months now, but I’ve never seen it start a recording 5 minutes early, maybe 15 seconds or so.

Oh, I should also mention that in a previous post it was mentioned that the network may be starting the show more than 5 minutes early. This is not the case with my recent tests.

This does NOT appear to be true - maybe 15 seconds early based on all my testing, but NEVER 5 minutes early - if we had 5 minutes early and 5 minutes later then no one would be complaining on this site.

xxxx cccc xx cc

what version of the software are you on? 2.2.2? I have a 4 tuner model and rarely record more than 1-2 shows at any time (no overlap with the 5 minutes) and I always miss the first 1-2 minutes of the show. This happens mainly on CBS - I turned on the show “live” and confirmed that it is only starting 1-2 minutes early (not 5 or more minutes) - so I have no idea why It’s only getting maybe 15 seconds at the front end and the full 5 minutes at the end. Any other settings that you changed?


On my 2 tuner, it adds 5 extra minutes to the end, but never anything in the beginning.

Same here, it always adds 5 minutes to the end of a show so a 60 minute show records at 65 minutes.

xxxx cccc xx cc

Yeah, not starting 5min early with plenty of available streams for me either.

The Tablo does not start recording 5 min early. It adds 5 min to the end only.

  1. I am ALWAYS missing 60 minutes when CBS has football overtime or gold or whatever. It’s NOT just LIVE recordings which need to be extended!

  2. Yes, shows start early so allow the user to adjust for the affiliate. I always miss the first 2 min of the news.

Tablo, seriously. There are two ways to do this…the complex way and the KISS way. There are pros and cons but the only thing you should care about is that this is a major annoyance which you can and should give your customers the option to fix. If you prefer, just consider how much more appealing a 4-tuner model would be if you had this implemented.

All: the reason it is complex is because doing it the complete/right way requires an entire prioritization system to be implemented and increases user interaction (i.e. “Family Guy” is scheduled to record at 525pm would you like to switch to this now or continue watching?" or “Would you like to cancel this recording and watch live TV?” and “This show did not record because another show took priority.”).

Tablo: KISS. Do a simple beta checkbox of what cjcox requested. Call it dynamic or static recording. Basically, there is a HUGE portion of your community which is a DVR ONLY crowd…if people WANT to watch live TV they CAN just hook up the antenna to their TVs after all. In static mode it is simple, if you are watching live TV, auto-switch to the scheduled recording. period. don’t like it, then uncheck “static recording.” Use your current prioritization system…if even 1 minute of another show is scheduled then say it can’t BE scheduled because of that scheduled recording. Then, simply add an option to your recordings to let the user modify a recording or series recording +/-.

This is not hard. You could do it today…or give me the code and I could do it today. KISS. let the community have SOMETHING to fix this major Tablo oversight now while you work on the complex one. Maybe you find people are happy with the KISS method.


The KISS way is for you to use the manual recording scheduling feature on the Tablo.

  1. Tablo has no idea when a football game will be done, will it go on an extra 5 min, 22 min, 47 min? Or will it finish on time?
  2. News is usually a daily recurring event at the exact same time. Setting up one manual recording one time for a daily show that starts at 5:58 pm is VERY simple. Hence my KISS way.
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And mine. Much ado about nothing much.

New user here - Hello everyone. Tablo is great. But I have the same complaint. It is now Feb 2016 and I received a reply to my support request the same way (Manual Recording) no ability to change the NTP to local time. This is not my first DVR or my second. All previous units had the 1 or 2 minute prior start as well as extend post program. Please, please consider this change.

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This is very annoying to be missing the beginning of shows all the time.

If tablo is really using NTP, I guess I can intercept outgoing NTP with the firewall and redirect it to a hacked ntpd server running in a VM so that all shows start a couple of minutes early.

I don’t know if tablo is using authentication for NTP, but that would be a deal breaker.

Not sure if I can hack ntpd to serve time a few minutes in the past, but it might be worth the effort.

After sniffing packets from tablo, it is indeed using NTP without authentication.

The hard part is hacking ntpd.

I’m running into this where a show on one channel ends at 12:02 AM and another begins 2 minutes earlier on a different channel, and I get a conflict and it won’t record. How inconsiderate of network schedulers.

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Do you have a 2 tuner Tablo?