Chromecast experiences? Help gather info

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)

Never watch TV in the dark ( or alone). And my NP isn’t noisy. On the contrary - smooth as silk.
How sad to howl in the dark than to light a candle. Enjoy your angst as I gleefully glide thru my most rewarding Tablo experience.
As for the “info”, we’ve heard it all before ad nauseum.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)

He never has anything good or useful to say & the mods obviously don’t care.

Ten posts and some 36 paragraphs reiterating all that’s been trotted out here before, and I need attention? Run that by us again?

You’ve supposedly returned your Tablo. Suggest you turn your angst to another forum. Since you no longer have a legitimate stake in this forum I suggest you haunt TiVo or submiit the scathing review you promised to write on Amazon.

I had a chromecast once. But it was rubbish in my opinion, nothing (and I mean n-o-t-h-i-n-g) worked well with it. I gave it to my nephew and he had better luck but it was still a dog’s breakfast.

Later on, I changed my router and my wifi-connected Roku3 experience improved substantially. In hindsight, perhaps the chromecast might have behaved better with the new router, but that’s neither here nor there now. I never expected a cheap piece of kit like the chromecast to perform well so it met my expectations and just wasn’t worth the aggro to figure out.

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Truth hurts. Terrific rejoinder BTW.

There are 7,065 registered forum users.
I count about 2 reporting issues with Chromecast.
Either no one else is having issues, or they all already moved on to other players, or services.
You want to stick with Chromecast, great.
Either work with support to make it work better, or move on to another player, or another service.
I hope you stay, and help make Chromecast work better.
I have 2 gathering dust.
I moved on to another player, and stayed with the service.
Kinda like the service.

And to those of you calling names…
Sticks and stones, my brothers and sisters.


2 huh?

John Luther:
Similar experience with mine. Still have it as a last measure desperation back up. Blamesaying for me is just an effort in futility. Whenever systems collide there is always the potential for incompatibility. I recall the terrible Roku merry-go-round which started when Roku Initiated their firmware update. I chose to stop charging the windmill and move on. Couldn’t be happier with my present experience.

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After bailing on the Chromecast, we stuck with the Roku thru those ugly, ugly, did I mention ugly times.
Turns out the windmill blades were made of gossamer wings.

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Right on. I was referring to CC when I decided to change Never had Roku as many here have. Glad to see it worked out in the end for all concerned.

Okay, everyone let’s put our big boy/girl pants back on. It’s sad to see such bashing on here. This is supposed to be a helpful place for users. If you don’t like the thread, don’t reply.

Anyways, as a CC user I get what everyone says about it. I use CC all the time with all kinds of services and don’t have any issues except with Tablo. I have posted several times acknowledging that it will never work the same as a bigger box unit like Roku or the now defuct Nexus. However that is not the point. The point is that it is touted by Tablo as a supported device but yet doesn’t work as Tablo mentions. The fact that it’s hit or miss shows that it’s not really ready for mainstream use with Tablo but yet it’s still noted as being a viable device and mentioned prominently in the Tablo website and such. If it wasn’t for SurLaTablo and my Plex media server I would have most likely returned mine as well but I managed to adapt and move on. Tablo works well as an OTA DVR. Beyond that it lacks in my opinion. Again, this is just my $.02.

Now, with that said people here have mentioned working with Support to resolve issues. I am perfectly willing to do so but Support is the issue. I have had 2 tickets open with them for months and to date they have stopped responding on them. I have not had any response to my tickets for over 30 days. You can’t get things fixed when your only support channel ignores your efforts to make things work and report issues.



Please try and keep it civil here. We don’t want to over-moderate the forum. So please, let’s be adults. Those who have posted comments that are against forum rules have been notified of their infraction and the most incendiary ones have been removed.

With regards to responses from support:

It’s our goal to answer all tickets within 24-hours, and we’ve had great consistency reaching this goal, and often coming well under it. Whether tickets are a general feature requests, feedback, criticism, and of course inquiries for assistance, we do our best to answer all tickets that come in.

We’ve had one or two very isolated incidents as the result of a Zendesk (our software as a service ticketing system) outage that caused a couple of tickets to get lost as they were submitted, but beyond this, we absolutely do not ignore tickets. If you send us one, we’ll answer it.

If we’ve got a response out to you and we haven’t heard from you in a couple of days, we’ll send an auto-reminder that your ticket remains on our radar. Even if your ticket is marked as ‘solved’, it can always be reopened - at any time. Just replying to the ticket will do this, and it will be placed back into our queue.

Have my new tablo 2 tuner here. I have an all Chromecast environment for 3 years, am an rf and network engineer of 15 years, and am very displeased with Tablos ability to cast via Chromecast.

I too have the reported issues of live tv freezing after a few minutes of use. I have zero issues with any other Chromecasted service.

Ill give a go with a support ticket, but this thread shows it may not be promising.

All, I made a few posts to this thread on this topic with possible solution but need some others to test it out and confirm.

Data loss in the OTA stream breaks Tablo to Chromecast.


  • With a weak OTA signal, the Tablo will record the stream, warts and all.
  • Tablo can playback the weak stream directly to devices such as android tablets and phones, and directly to web browser.
  • Whatever pixelation was present during the recording is reproduced in the playback. Live view pixelation looks similar.
  • Now take weak stream and cast it: any pixelation event over 500 mS will at least temporary freeze the Chromecast.
  • Streams that are very marginal, if not unwatchable, will freeze Chromecast completely.


  • educated guess: whatever device transcodes to the Chromecast codec cannot handle messed up data on the input end. Depending on the device Tablo uses, this may not be an easy firmware type fix.
  • I looked at Roku, which doesn’t support CraveTV, and the latest forum chats complain about the same types of freeze issues. Forget that.

My solution? I hooked up an old laptop via hdmi cable to the big screen tv. Using wireless keyboard and mouse.

Yes, notice this as well, good quality streams play great but weaker signal channels struggle. Wish they corrected this while encoding / recording the video but they don’t seem to be working on Chromecast fixes which is a shame really. I have a hardwired tablo and hard wired Chromecast on a gigabit LAN and it buffers SD streams that have some pixelation to the point its not watchable yet it plays fine everywhere else.

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