Capto for Tablo (CLI Grabber)

I had problems with capto a year or so ago with the TLS or what it was with the HTTPS/security “deal”. It wouldn’t always process the file, I had it scripted to delete afterwards and I would end up loosing recordings.

It was really really great to have it all scripted via cron jobs and not have to worry about anything along with wrapto. I miss them both :slight_smile:
So I haven’t worked with it recently. I don’t recall ever having any issue with it not clearing special characters. I recall it always doing a great job. I do recall having some issues, with what I had and the developer, the had some settings/configurations different for their shell that weren’t “regular”.

I believe capto comes “self contained” with it’s own perl runtime, and maybe ffmpeg or your own, runs in your shell as you may have it configured.