Blog dates never change with update, no "edited" notation

I’ve noticed many of the Support articles have finally been recently updated, as indicated my the date line as well as reading some.

Some blog articles have a red notice “Click here to see…” disclaimer, for example - One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Choosing the Right Tablo Recording Quality | Over The Air (OTA) DVR | Tablo. Now several have been edited/updated or otherwise altered and it’s current date remains the same?!? With out any notation the article has changed since it’s been released.

One example - Tablo FAQs: Do I Need Internet to Use a Tablo OTA DVR? | Over The Air (OTA) DVR | Tablo has changed not just clarify TV connected DVRs but add content, while the article is still dated as though it was released January 09, 2018 – long before an HDMI unit. Making no mention the article has been altered. This is just one example.

This can be misleading and possibly create miss-information when referencing one …then discovering it may or may not have the content you wanted to offer.

@TabloTV is it unreasonable to ask you note the date on your blog articles isn’t necessarily the date of last edit? Ideally, couldn’t blog editors note date of last edit?

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That is a fair request. We’ll make an effort to do this moving forward.

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