Apple TV won't rewind on current recording show

I have an Apple TV 4 and for some reason whenever I try to play a show that is currently recording it won’t let me rewind more than 10 seconds at a time and it won’t let me start from the beginning. Any tips?e

I am having the same issue. Can not start from the beginning or rewind any amount on table tv app on Apple TV. Works just fine on the Roku app.

Try using the voice command “Rewind to the beginning”. It works for me.

There is an issue in the current TVOS firmware affecting this behaviour on Tablo live streams.

We have solved this in our upcoming firmware, which is currently in beta. If you’d like access to the beta now, send a note to our support team and we can add you.

Hopefully the new firmware will fix this, I just bough an apple TV to replace the Roku3 because we had issues. But right now the apple TV seems worse. cannot use the pad fo rew or FF a live show, sometime she ask to rew or FF by 30 seconds and the stupid thing goes to the beginning if the show.

I will be waiting patiently for the new firmware, unless my wife trash it before the update comes.

@informel It will definitely be fixed in the update! Stay tuned.