Any way to block posts/users?

Muting users doesn’t mean you don’t see their posts at all, it just means you won’t receive notifications or PMs from them.

I don’t see the edited post they are talking about.

That must be a pain to change all your posts to xxx…

Oh darn! I was hoping they’d all go away…beastman, isn’t that what you were referring to by ‘blocking users’?

Many forums utilize an “iggy list” (ignore user) but they’re kinda weak IMO. All it takes is someone not on your iggy list to quote someone who is and there you go.

Or you drop by while not logged in and start reading posts only to quickly realize “Oh yeah, that’s why I “iggy’d” that difficult user”.

There’s a couple here I would iggy if I had the opportunity but this forum’s fairly tame for the most part. Fairly certain “mod team” will do their fair best to settle something really outta whack.

Live and let live…

While hopefully enjoying some OTA TV programs, yay!

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Is that what he’s doing? I thought he was using the forum to send encrypted messages to start WWIII or something.

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