Hmm. Maybe the management co would pop for a antenna service call, esp. of you start a grassroots movement with your fellow apartment dwellers. You’d probably be surprised how many people would welcome working CATV in the building!
19 it for some reason has labeled 10.
It’s a database. Mistakes happen, 0 is next to 9 on the keyboard…,
Entire run-on sentence
I was referencing the topic of channel moving. I passed on the topic concerning antennas. The final instructions, to research, in the rest of the sentence came up later.
Using weasel words in all-caps yet… Making a statmet most of something happened inversely suggest / implys some, many or a few didn’t.
My POSTS aren’t LOADED with ALL-CAPS to promote DRAMA Just expressing views, trying to be constructive and not outright disrespectful. Not everyone is always right, and even when they are, not everyone is always going to believe them. Sometimes I say stoopid things