Antenna ideas for 12th floor apartment

Hmm. Maybe the management co would pop for a antenna service call, esp. of you start a grassroots movement with your fellow apartment dwellers. You’d probably be surprised how many people would welcome working CATV in the building!

19 it for some reason has labeled 10.

It’s a database. Mistakes happen, 0 is next to 9 on the keyboard…,

Entire run-on sentence

I was referencing the topic of channel moving. I passed on the topic concerning antennas. The final instructions, to research, in the rest of the sentence came up later.

Using weasel words in all-caps yet… Making a statmet most of something happened inversely suggest / implys some, many or a few didn’t.

My POSTS :hear_no_evil: aren’t LOADED :see_no_evil: with ALL-CAPS :speak_no_evil: to promote DRAMA :poop: Just expressing views, trying to be constructive and not outright disrespectful. Not everyone is always right, and even when they are, not everyone is always going to believe them. Sometimes I say stoopid things :grey_exclamation: