8 t or larger hard drive for hdmi tablo

Has anyone had luck with a 8 t or larger external hard drive that works with the hdmi tablo?

When asked earlier, it’s suggested there’s likely no reason for them to not work… they’ve just never actually plugged one in. (I kind of paraphrased things)…

The post continues with technical talk about filesystems and there appears to be no real limits on the device to prevent it.

Thanks, I missed that earlier post. New here.

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I am using a 8 TB but not any larger.

It is formatted as a “data partition” and not available as files to a PC when connect to it via the USB port.

to be clear - not available on a PC running MS Windows. Completely functional with any Linux based OS - Debian, openSUSE, Linux Mint, etc. Tablo devices are Linux based, ext filesystem are native to Linux, there’s nothing cryptic or “special access” necessary.

It would be nice if Tablo specified that.

Why would tablo tell you everything concerned with it’s internal functionality.

If you feel like you are a power user and want to disconnect the disk and move it to an OS on a different device you shouldn’t be surprised by anything. Especially, if a user would search the forum. I think the actual disk file system has been talked about a few times.

Taboo is way more than nice telling you about their device, as designed for it’s intended use.

Try are even nicer it have discussions about, not as intended use and even allowing 3rd parties to develop apps for their devices.

There’s a lot of info in the forum… like information about needing a subscription, or filesystems… sometimes you have to do your own research.

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