2 Weeks In and VERY Disapointed

riffy, i share you pain.

As I noted I just gave up on direct access to the Tablo unit. It just got to frustrating. Now I just watch live TV on the TVs directly as I connected all my TVs to the antenna using this


and using the SurLaTablo script from here

to extract the content from Tablo to my Plex media server.

Now I can watch live TV without the Tablo being involved and watch my recorded content anywhere I wish through Plex.

Best part is that all this passes the wife test as shes very used to Plex and I have single remotes for all the TVs (I have Samsung SmartTVs everywhere which have the native Plex app available so no secondary streaming units anymore).

I still have Chromcasts on all my TVs that I use to cast from the Plex app when wanted.

Happy house and the DirecTV cord has been cut!