Tablo ripper with auto upload to a plex account?

This little addition would be very helpful to folks having issues accessing the tablo recordings.

You know that already works, right? And you can add MCEBuddy in between to strip commercials!

It’s what I do. I have a folder in Plex with “Tablo Uploads” then MCE moves it in with the ‘regular’ shows/movies. I love it

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Are you able to give MCEBuddy access to the hard drive while plugged into Tablo?
Or do you have to unplug from hard drive from Tablo and plug it into your PC to transfer the files?

Looks like there is I just found this post.


You need a middle man like Tablo Ripper. The program is on the same network as the Tablo, sees the Tablo and IDs the shows you have recorded. I have a separate HD for plex and tablo due to the formatting and the fact that Tablo stores the shows as multiple segmented files.0

Plex allows you to designate folders that are your libraries. I have one entitled “Tablo TV Shows”, and Plex has an option to monitor the folder and update the library with additions/subtractions. Everything is automated now.


Nice I will have to get that setup. I just got my Tablo…

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I wasn’t aware of that. But that ability seems to me would solve a lot of peoples problems who are trying to remote access a tablo and it fails. All they need do is access plex and have the ripper do it automatically to the plex upload directory.

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