Missing guide info for Story Television in St. Louis

Go and check zip2it - they use gracenotes. If the channel isn’t there use the contact page and clarify the problem as a listing problem.

I think you mean ZAP2IT.

Probably. I’m still recovering from last night’s debate - debacle.

Zap2It is correct, Tablo isn’t

And well, Zap2It also shows StoryTV correctly despite Tablo still showing Programming Not Available for the exact same zip code despite showing fine when using a different ZIP in the same area

The intent was for any legacy user who thinks they have trouble with gracenotes and missing guide data to try to use zap2it to fix it. So this might work for metv toons

And finally after almost a month, StoryTV is showing up correctly for my ZIP code like before AND now MeTV Toons is correct too (although Tablo still needs to add a guide logo but that’s minor and doesn’t really impact anything)